Professional info
I'm currently a Post-doctoral Fellow in collaboration with Dr. Alissa Antle in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University. The lab I'm affiliated with is the Tangible Embodied Child-Computer Interaction Lab. My current research focus include Tangible User Interfaces and Novel User Interactions. My usual research work involves prototyping, development & design, user studies, data analysis and results dissemination.
I have completed my PhD under Dr. Stacey Scott in the department of Systems Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo (also the co-supervision of Dr. Edward Lank from the CS department). The lab I'm affiliated with is the Collaborative Systems Lab. My primary research interest is Human-Computer Interaction and its applications in interactive surfaces (think giant iPads, Surfaces), particularly in the use of animation and other visual elements in interface design to better attract and guide novice users. I'm also affiliated with the Games Institute and collaborate with its members on game design and development. |
University of Waterloo (Jan 2010 - Aug 2016)
Doctor of Philosophy in Systems Design Engineering Under the co-supervision of: Prof. Stacey Scott [web], Prof. Edward Lank [web] Affiliated with: Collaborative Systems Laboratory [web], The Games Institute [web] The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Sep 2004 - Aug 2006) Master of Philosophy in Computer Science (conferred) Thesis title: Distributed Position Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks Under the supervision of: Prof. Gary, S.-H. Chan [web] The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Sep 2001 - Jun 2004) Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science (Information Engineering) (conferred) Under the supervision of (for Final Year Project): Prof. S.C. Cheung [web] |
Selected publications
Cheung, V. & Antle, A.N. (2020). Tangible Interfaces and Interactions in Sci-Fi Movies: A Glimpse at the Possible Future of TUIs through Fictional Tangible Systems. In Proc. of TEI 2020. Sydney, NSW, Australia, February 9-12, 2020.
** People’s Choice Best Talk Award ** Cheung, V. and Girouard, A. (2019). Tangible Around-Device Interaction Using Rotatory Gestures with a Magnetic Ring. In Proc. of MobileHCI 2019. Taipei, Taiwan, October 1-4, 2019 Cheung, V., Scott, S.D. (2015). A Laboratory-based Study Methodology to Investigate Attraction Power of Large Public Interactive Displays. In Proc. of UbiComp 2015. Osaka, Japan, September 7-11, 2015. **Recipient Honorable Mention Award** Cheung, V., Scott, S.D. (2013). Investigating Attraction and Engagement of Animation on Large Interactive Walls in Public Settings. In Proc. of ITS 2013. St. Andrews, Scotland, October 6-9, 2013. Cheung, V., Heydekorn, J., Scott, S.D., Dachselt, R. (2012). Revisiting Hovering: Interaction Guides For Interaction Surfaces. In Proc. of ITS 2012. Cambridge, MA, November 11-14, 2012. Cheung, V., Chang, Y.-L., Scott, S.D. (2012). Communication Channels and Awareness Cues in Collocated Collaborative Time-Critical Gaming. In Proc. of CSCW 2012. Seattle, WA, February 11-15, 2012. V. Cheung and S.-H. Chan. "Location estimation," in Sensor Networks and Configuration (N. P. Mahalik, ed.), ch. 14, pp.317-332, Springer-Verlag, 2007. |
Software: MS Office, LaTex, Photoshop (, Unity3D, Blender
Misc.: User-centred design, Interaction design, Quantitative & Qualitative experiments & analyses Programming Language: Java, C++, Processing, HTML/CSS, PHP Spoken Language: English, Cantonese (native), Chinese (+written) Extra: Sleight of hand (coins & cards), Coffee making, Baking, Portrait sketching |
Work experience
Sessional Course Instructor. University of Waterloo (May 2015 - Aug 2015)
To prepare and give weekly lectures, design and grade project assignments and examinations. Course Title: Human-Computer Interaction (CS 449/649) Teaching Assistant. University of Waterloo (Sep 2010 - Aug 2016) **Nominee of Outstanding Teaching Assistant 2013** To assist the teaching of courses by holding tutorials, providing laboratory instructions, and grading assignments and examinations. Courses taught:
Research Intern. Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany (Mar 2012 - Aug 2012) To collaborate with researchers in a research lab on surface computing. Demonstrator/Teaching Associate. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2006 - 2009) To assist the teaching of courses by holding tutorials, providing laboratory instructions, and grading assignments and examinations. Also assisted in designing course materials and counseling students with marginal grades. Courses taught:
Volunteer services
Community Scientist. Science World British Columbia (2019)
To engage with public audiences as a science communicator and ambassdor. Program Committee. ACM Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (2018) To assist the peer-review process. Web Chair. ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (2016) To provide technical support of setting up the conference website. Project Mentor. University of Waterloo (2013 - 2016) To provide advice and various support to final year projects, and grading reports at various stages. Technical Support Team co-organizer. TEDxWaterloo (2013) To provide technical support for the preparation and running of the event. Conference Student Volunteer (2013 - 2015) To help with the smooth running of the conference events, including ITS (2013, 2014, 2015), and UIST2013. Conference/Journal paper reviewer (2010 - Present) To review submissions to various conferences and journals, including CHI, CSCW, ITS (ISS), CHIPLAY, ACE and TOCHI. |
Things to brag about
Valedictorian of Engineering School at Graduation Ceremony 2004
Completed Insanity workout program Filed and co-own a US Patent Solves a Rubik's Cube like a human being under 5 minutes |